SeQR is designed to help everyone receive surprisingly helpful messages

  • Students

    with SeQR, experience more good on and off campus

    “I found your AirPods on the quad. how do I get them back to you?” - from a surprisingly helpful campus staff member

  • Families

    with SeQR, experience more good when loved ones need it most

    “Hi, your dog got out and I can’t grab her. I’ll stay around until you can come to bring her in.” - from a surprisingly helpful neighbor

  • Travelers

    with SeQR, travelers experience more good while on the road

    “Hi, your luggage is similar to mine and I accidentally picked it up. Meet me at carousel 10.” - from a surprisingly helpful traveler

  • Home Owners

    with SeQR, experience more good when away from home

    “I have your delivery, it’s starting to rain, where should I leave it?” - from a surprisingly helpful delivery driver

  • Service Professionals

    with SeQR, customers experience more good after they check out of your business

    “Hi, message me here over the next week as you work on setting up your new purchase.” - a surprisingly helpful message sent to a new customer

  • Co-Working Office Professionals

    with SeQR, experience more good in and away from the office.

    “Hi, I found your keys in the lunchroom but I don’t know where your desk is. I left it at the front desk for you!” - from a surprisingly helpful co-worker

Don’t regret not using SeQR on the things you can’t live without